By CarAccess Map

Access from Other Prefectures

Niigata Airport is directly connected to and easily accessible from both local cities and other metropolitan areas. The estimated travel times given on the map are the shortest possible amount of time. In some areas, traffic conditions can greatly change the amount of time, so please allow ample time when you depart.

Place of DepartureRoute Time to the Niigata International Airport IC From the Niigata International Airport IC to Niigata International Airport
From Sakata CityTake R7 to the Arakawa-Tainai IC on the Nihonkai-Tohoku Expressway Approximately 3 Hours Approximately 10 Minutes
From Aizuwakamatsu CityGet on the Banetsu Expressway at the Aizuwakamatsu IC, merge onto the Nihonkai-Tohoku Expressway Approximately 1.5 Hours
From Maebashi CityGet on the Kanetsu Expressway at the Maebashi IC, merge onto the Hokuriku Expressway, merge onto the Nihonkai-Tohoku Expressway Approximately 2.5Hours
From Nagano CityGet on the Joshinetsu Expressway at the Nagano IC, merge onto the Hokuriku Expressway, merge onto the Nihonkai-Tohoku Expressway Approximately 2.5Hours
From Toyama CityGet on the Hokuriku Expressway at the Toyama IC, merge onto the Nihonkai-Tohoku Expressway Approximately 2 Hours and 50 Minutes

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